Size 8 Green Onyx Superfly Ring
The Superfly is back and better than ever! We're pleased to bring you six new stone options for one of Alex Streeter's most beloved works. The Superfly Ring is a classic piece, originally carved in 1974 on one of Alex's many trips to Mexico.
In the early days of his fledgling jewelry company, Alex travelled to the Yucatán Peninsula on the hunt for rare stones. He found himself en route towards the ancient city known as Tulum. One evening, he missed the last bus and wound up spending an entire night in the jungle being bitten alive by all sorts of insects. At sunrise the next morning, he finally made it into town, settled into a local pension and carved what is now known as the Superfly ring.
The Superfly is a fantasy creature, a mixture of a cicada, a horsefly and something very curious... Upon closer examination, you might notice its mysterious shape also refers to the human female form. In spite of its colorful past, the Superfly Ring remainsan elegant, modernist piece embraced by sophisticated collectors around the world.
Read on for a list of the available stones & their spiritual meanings...
Grey Tiger's Eye - A healing stone, said to increase blood flow and relieve pain.
Green Tiger's Eye - promotes confidence and inner strength. Works to dispel self-doubt.
Citrine - the stone of joy & creativity, attracts abundance and posperity to its wearer.
Green Onyx - the stone of restfulness and purity. Works to release worries, tension and stress.
Black Onyx - this stone offers protection and strength to its wearer. Promotes focus & will-power.
Jade - the stone of luck & money, said to increase fortunes and often worn as a protective talisman.
For custom stone inquiries please contact info@AlexStreeter.com